Serves: 4 – 6
Having returned from five full on foody days in Hong Kong, my taste buds and imagination are firing on all cylinders. We ate SO much amazing food but it was one very simple dish amongst the many that stood out.
Whole Chicken gently poached in Soy Sauce and aromatics. So simple. So delicious. And as it turns out, the perfect recipe for your Ironclad Old Dutch.
Don’t be alarmed at how much soy this recipe uses. You’ll strain, then freeze, any remaining poaching liquid ready for use next time you feel like Soy Chicken for dinner. Which I assure you will be soon!
2 c Lee Kum Kee Premium Soy Sauce
2 T Dijon mustard
2 mandarins, halved
6 star anise
2 cinamon sticks
2 T pink peppercorns (optional)
2 inch ginger, sliced
½ bulb garlic
1 red onion, sliced finely
½ c brown sugar or honey
½ c cider vinegar
7 c boiling water
1 whole free range chicken
Remove chicken from fridge an hour before cooking to bring to room temperature.
Place all ingredients apart from the chicken in your Old Dutch Pot and bring to a rolling boil. Turn down and simmer for 20 minutes.
Gently lower chicken into liquid, breast side down and simmer for 10 minutes, lid off.
Poke a big fork into the stomach cavity and gently turn the chicken over so it’s breast side up.
Place the lid on the Old Dutch and simmer very gently for 25 minutes.
Turn off the heat and allow to continue steaming with the lid on for another 15 minutes.
Serve with sticky white rice, steamed bok choy and a ladle or two of the poaching liquid.
Strain the cooled liquid and freeze. And you’re half way there for the next delicious Soy Chicken culinary event!